contact us

Let’s work together

Individual approach to each client

We recognise that every garden is unique, not least because every client is unique. That why we like to match you with the same gardener(s) every time so they can get to know you and what you like and dislike in the garden. Who uses it and how you like to spend your time there. This helps us to tailor the garden to best suit your needs. We might avoid certain plants if you have children or pets and we will assess the soil ph and texture, light exposure and water availability to make sure you have the right plants in the right place.

As we specialise in gardening for wildlife, we avoid using toxic chemicals and treat the garden as a whole ecosystem. We don’t advocate being overly tidy and so called weeds in the lawn might actually be wild flowers that can be a great source of nectar for bees, lace wings and hover flies.

You are the boss

We can arrange for a full consultation where we will get to know more about you and your family and understand your needs, preferred style and aspirations for the garden.  



Monday – Friday

8:00 – 17:00

Don’t miss out